As summer has ended and school has started, there are more and more people getting out and about because of the nice weather. The school district is back in full swing and students are walking back and forth to school. This brings with it the need for everyone to ensure for the safety of all of us. Drivers – please be patient and courteous to pedestrians crossing the street. The law about the right-of-way for pedestrians has not changed. Drivers must yield the right of way to pedestrians crossing a roadway within a marked crosswalk and an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. Pedestrians – please be sure to pay attention to crosswalk signals and only cross when the signal allows for you, as the pedestrian, to cross. Areas where signals are not present, ensure your safety of crossing the street by making sure your are visible and cross when it is safe to do so. Keep an eye on traffic and do not assume a vehicle is going to stop. The days are getting shorter which means darkness sets in quickly. Please keep this in mind as you are driving and walking. If we all do our part in ensuring our safety, we can attempt to avoid the close calls and crashes. This is not an issue which is unique to our municipality. This is being put out as a reminder to all, as we get out and enjoy the beautiful weather.
Pedestrian and Cross Walk Safety