The Mechanicsburg Area School District is back to school August 30th with a staggered scheduled start for the students. With this in mind, please watch for students lining up at bus stops and walking to schools. There are various intersections where school crossing guards will be helping with traffic to ensure students walking to school arrive safely. Please keep an eye out for buses make stops throughout the Borough.
School construction is still ongoing at many of the schools. Be aware of possible new traffic patterns for the buses and student drop off areas for the parents. Your patience with the process is much appreciated. Please follow the directions school staff members are helping with to ensure the safe arrival into and out of the schools for your students.
Please pay attention to all the no parking signs and painted curbs in the area of the schools as well. Some new signage has been added and some curbs repainted. All of the areas where no parking signs are posted have been placed there to ensure the safety for all students, staff and public travelling through the area.
Lastly, the police department is looking forward to a safe and enjoyable school year for all. We are excited to be able to start up our visits and presentations in the schools this year once again.