
On March 21st, 2023, at approximately 3:52 pm, the police department was dispatched to a crash which just occurred in the 1st block of North York Street. Upon arrival officers determined there were three vehicles involved. Investigation into the crash found Ross was operating his vehicle south on North York Street. Mitchell was operating her vehicle in front of Ross. Mitchell began slowing for traffic stopped for the red light at the intersection of West Main Street. Ross was not able to get his vehicle stopped prior to striking the rear of Mitchell’s vehicle, pushing it into the vehicle in front of hers. This vehicle was stopped and operated by Graves-Stroud. Ross’ vehicle required towing from the scene due to the damage it sustained in the crash.
Christopher Ross, 47 – Hanover, PA
Kaylee Mitchell, 19 – Carlisle, PA
Kimberly Graves-Stroud, 48 – Carlisle, PA